We strive to be a welcoming church, but it is not unusual for visitors to have some questions.
What can I Expect?
What Should I Wear?
What about My Children?
We hope that this information will help. If not, please feel free to contact us.
What can I expect?
We are a real multi-generational family: a mix of young singles, married couples with and without children, teens, college students home on break, and grandparents too.
Our worship service starts each Sunday at 10:00 am it usually ends between 11:30 and noon.
Our form of worship is a blend of the new ‘open’ form and (although we are not a liturgical church) a more traditional order.
Our worship music here at MSCC is a sensitive blend of contemporary worship music and traditional hymns.
In everything we do during the service we seek to elevate and worship our Lord Jesus Christ.
We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month.
How should I dress?
Some people like to get dressed up for church; others want to feel more relaxed. We want you to feel comfortable however you dress for church. The Bible tells us that God doesn’t look at the outward appearance but at the heart.
What about my children?
We invite everyone to join us for the start of the worship service. That includes crying babies and restless toddlers; they’re part of the family.
After the prayer time, children 6th grade and younger are invited to go downstairs. They will be inspired by lessons, music and activities led by loving, responsible and capable individuals.
We have a nursery area downstairs where you can leave the littlest ones (Infant to age 3 ). Again, there will be loving and responsible adults to care for these precious members of the family.
We also have a comfortable seating arrangement for new moms in the library ( main level, off Fellowship Hall). There is a speaker system so you can still hear the service.
(All Children’s Ministry teachers have had background checks and have been fingerprinted.)
Also note: In keeping with the church’s safe sanctuary policy, the back door is kept locked during the time of the worship service.
Is the church wheel chair accessible?
Yes! Just like in many historic Vermont homes, you’re welcome to enter through the back door. The main level of the church is accessible through that entrance (including the sanctuary, the pastor’s office, Fellowship Hall, the library, and a bathroom) . If you should need any special assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
What are the next steps?
Whether you want to take slow steps or join the family right away, we are ready when you are!
Want to continue seeking Christ? Joining us on Sundays is a good way to start!
Want to profess your faith? Get baptized. Contact Pastor Trevor.
Want to learn more about membership? Contact Pastor Trevor.
Want to grow in your faith and build community? Grow with Us by joining a Class or a Small Group.
Join Us for special opportunities.To get to know us better, we also invite you to read about the Truths that we believe, and the incredible people who make up our Leadership Team.
Still not sure what to do next? Please contact us and let us know how we can help.