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Oroszlany Baptist Church, in the city of Oroszlany (pronounced Or-ro-slang) Hungary, is a church revitalization of about 30 believers and growing! Situated about an hour and 15 minutes South West of the beautiful city of Budapest, Oroszlany Baptist Church is the only gospel preaching and teaching church for an area of about 30,000+ people in former communist Hungary. Europe is getting more and more opposed to the Gospel and Christian values, and Hungary, with it’s conservative government, is one of 4 countries trying to hold the line. The church is pastored by a Hungarian National who is married to an American woman who is very closely connected to a member of the church here in Middletown Springs. Husband and wife, who are expecting their third child in early 2022, minister in discipleship and hospitality as they seek to build strong relationships within the church and in reaching out to neighbors and their community. In October of 2021 the Lord provided all of the needed funds to purchase their
church building which in addition to where the church gathers for Sunday morning worship and
Wednesday evening prayer, now also houses their ministry center, a place of learning about Jesus and a place to help the hurting and those in need. Visit their website at:

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