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Our Church Family
Middletown Springs Community Church is a non-denominational, Christ following Christian community full and alive with people…
Who are hearing and believing what God has done for them and what His promises are for them through Jesus Christ;
Who are learning to use their individual gifts to encourage each other and build up the church;
Who pray, forgive, love, care and serve as they each struggle with the problems of living in a broken world while rejoicing in the blessing of being alive and the greater blessing of Christ’s kingdom;
Who work to be a Christ-minded community of believers in the gospel;
Who understand that God’s love for us is without measure or end, and
Who look to share God’s love for us with our families, communities and the world,
that “the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”
(Habakkuk 2:14)

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